Source code for

Support for creating and updating records in a remote CKAN instance from various organisation and metadata types
from elsewhere in this library.
import logging
import re

from ckanapi import RemoteCKAN, NotFound
from typing import List, Generator, Dict, Union

from import Metadata
from import Organisation

LOG = logging.getLogger('')

[docs]def ckan_dataset_name(org: Organisation, data_set: Metadata) -> str: """ Calculates a stable dataset ID for a given organisation and metadata object, uses the literal 'oe', and the ckan_legal_name forms of the organisation ID and data set stable identifier separated by '-' characters """ return ckan_legal_name('-'.join(['oe', ckan_legal_name(org.organisation_id), ckan_legal_name(data_set.stable_identifier)]))
[docs]def ckan_dict_from_metadata(m: Metadata) -> dict: """ Create a CKAN dict suitable for data package create or update operations from a `Metadata` object. Currently handles title, notes, version, tags, and adds oe:dataSensitivityClass and dcat:versionNotes to the extras dict. Tags are added without any associated vocabulary at this point. :param m: a `Metadata` object containing information about the data set to store or update :return: a dict suitable for CKAN update / create operations on data packages """ def ckan_extras(d): """ CKAN expects extras in the form of a list of dicts {key:..., value:...}, this function converts a dictionary containing k:v pairs into a list of these dicts. """ return [{'key': key, 'value': value} for key, value in d.items()] def ckan_tags(tags): """ CKAN expects tags to be a list of {'name':...'} dicts, but we have lists of free text keywords from dcat's keyword term, so munge a list of strings into this form. """ return [{'name': tag} for tag in tags] return { 'title': m.title, 'notes': m.description, 'version': m.version, 'tags': ckan_tags(m.keywords), 'extras': ckan_extras({'oe-sensitivityClass': m.data_sensitivity_class, 'dcat-versionNotes': m.version_notes}) }
[docs]def update_or_create_ckan_record(org: Organisation, data_sets: List[Metadata], ckan_api_key: str, ckan_url: str) -> List[Dict]: """ Create or update records for a given datasets, each defined by a `Metadata` object, in the context of an `Organisation` from the directory. The organisation will be created if required. :param org: `Organisation` to use as owner of this data set :param data_sets: list of `Metadata` containing information about the data sets :param ckan_api_key: api key to write to CKAN :param ckan_url: url of the CKAN instance :return: list of created or modified record from CKAN as dicts :raises NotAuthorized: if the supplied access token doesn't have necessary permissions """ ckan = RemoteCKAN(address=ckan_url, apikey=ckan_api_key) def inner(): # Create the organisation in CKAN if it isn't already present try: ckan.action.organization_show(id=org.organisation_id)'organisation id={org.organisation_id} already exists in CKAN') except NotFound:'creating new organisation in CKAN, id={org.organisation_id}, title={org.organisation_name}') ckan.action.organization_create(name=org.organisation_id, title=org.organisation_name) # Iterate over data sets for data_set in data_sets: # Compute the ID for the dataset dataset_id = ckan_dataset_name(org=org, data_set=data_set) # Check whether the data package already exists in CKAN try: ckan.action.package_show(id=dataset_id)'data package id={dataset_id} already exists in CKAN, updating') # Found existing package, use package update yield ckan.action.package_update(name=dataset_id, **ckan_dict_from_metadata(data_set), owner_org=org.organisation_id, return_package_dict=True) except NotFound: # Not found in CKAN, use package_create to build a new one'creating data package id={dataset_id} in CKAN') yield ckan.action.package_create( name=dataset_id, **ckan_dict_from_metadata(data_set), owner_org=org.organisation_id, return_package_dict=True) return list(inner())