Source code for

import base64
import email.utils
import http.client
import logging
import urllib.parse
import uuid
from datetime import datetime
from functools import wraps, partial
from time import time, strftime, gmtime
from typing import Dict, List, Type, TypeVar
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from dataclasses import dataclass
import flask
import jwt
import requests
from cachetools import cached, TTLCache
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.auth import AuthBase
from requests.exceptions import RetryError
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry

import as raidiam

LOG = logging.getLogger('')

[docs]def httpclient_logging_patch(level=logging.DEBUG): """Enable HTTPConnection debug logging to the logging framework""" def httpclient_log(*args): logging.getLogger("http.client").log(level, " ".join(args)) # mask the print() built-in in the http.client module to use # logging instead http.client.print = httpclient_log # enable debugging http.client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1
[docs]class FAPISession(AuthBase): """ Similar to a requests session, but handles management of a single access token. It acquires the token when required, manages token expiry etc. Implicitly uses client-credentials, there's no user consent or similar involved. Can also be used as a requests authenticator """
[docs] def __init__(self, client_id, issuer_url, requested_scopes, private_key, certificate, jwt_bearer_email=None, signing_private_key=None, retries=3): """ Build a new FAPI session. This doesn't immediately trigger any requests to the token endpoint, these are made when the session is accessed, and only if needed. :param issuer_url: URL of an authorization server, i.e. for the raidiam UAT sandbox this is :param requested_scopes: Scopes requested for this session :param private_key: Location of private key used for MTLS, and to sign :param certificate: Location of certificate used for MTLS :param jwt_bearer_email: Defaults to None. If specified, this should be the email address of a user to impersonate. This will then switch the client to jwt-bearer grant type. This will only work if the corresponding client has been provisioned appropriately in the directory itself, otherwise this will fail. It should only ever be used by our internal Open Energy clients needing to write to the directory, and can be entirely ignored by other users. :param signing_private_key: Default to None, must be provided if jwt_bearer_email is set. Path to private key set as a signing key in the directory. :param retries: Number of retries that will be used when accessing GET endpoints through the underlying plain and FAPI enabled sessions within this object. Defaults to 3, set to 0 to disable retries. Requests which respond with statii in [429, 502, 503, 504] will be retried, exponential back-off is applied to avoid overwhelming resources. """ self.client_id = client_id self._session = requests.Session() self._session.cert = certificate, private_key self._session.auth = self self.plain_session = requests.Session() self.plain_session.cert = certificate, private_key retry_strategy = Retry(total=retries, status_forcelist=[429, 502, 503, 504], method_whitelist=["HEAD", "GET", "OPTIONS"], backoff_factor=1) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_strategy) self._session.mount('https://', adapter) self._session.mount('http://', adapter) self.plain_session.mount('https://', adapter) self.plain_session.mount('http://', adapter) self.openid_configuration = build(cls=OpenIDConfiguration, d=self.plain_session.get( OpenIDConfiguration.oidc_configuration_url(issuer_url)).json()) self._token = None self.scopes = requested_scopes # Check whether the scopes requested are in the supported scopes from the config for scope in self.scopes.split(' '): if scope not in self.openid_configuration.scopes_supported: LOG.warning(f'Requested scope "{scope}" not in supported scopes.') # If a signing private key location is provided, load the key from it if signing_private_key: with open(signing_private_key, 'rb') as key_file: self._signing_private_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(, backend=default_backend(), password=None) else: self._signing_private_key = None # Setting this means we're going to try creating jwt-bearer assertion tokens self._jwt_bearer_email = jwt_bearer_email # If jwt bearer email is set we MUST also have a signing key if self._jwt_bearer_email is not None and self._signing_private_key is None: raise ValueError('Signing private key must be provided if JST bearer email set!') # If jwt bearer email is set then check the client supports this scope if self._jwt_bearer_email and 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer' \ not in self.openid_configuration.grant_types_supported: raise ValueError(f'Client {self.client_id} does not support jwt-bearer tokens')
@property def session(self): """ A requests session configured to automatically acquire tokens when needed and to use MTLS """ return self._session
[docs] def clear_token(self): """ Explicitly clear the current token, if present. This will force a refresh the next time the session is accessed. """ self._token = None
@property def access_token(self): return self._get_token() @property def introspection_response(self) -> Dict: """ Introspect on our own token, useful to see what the resource server will see when it asks about this client. """ response =, data={'token': self.access_token, 'client_id': self.client_id}) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() def _get_token(self) -> str: """ Internal method to fetch a new bearer token if necessary and return it. A new token is obtained if there either isn't one, or we have one but it's expired. If a user email was supplied this will attempt to use the jwt-bearer grant type, otherwise it'll use client-credentials :return: String representation of the access token :raises requests.HTTPError: if the token acquisition fails for any reason, this method raises the corresponding HTTPError from the requests library """ now = time() if self._token is None or self._token['expiry_time'] <= now: if self._jwt_bearer_email: d = self._get_jwt_bearer_token() else: d = self._get_client_credentials_grant_token() LOG.debug(f'_get_token - response is {d}') if 'expires_in' in d: self._token = {'access_token': d['access_token'], 'expiry_time': now + int(d['expires_in'])} f'_get_token - got access token, expires at ' f'{strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime(self._token["expiry_time"]))}, ' f'scope=\'{d["scope"] if "scope" in d else "NONE"}\'') else: LOG.error(f'_get_token - no expiry time specified in token response {d}') return self._token['access_token'] def _get_client_credentials_grant_token(self) -> Dict: """ Method to get a token using client-credentials grant :return: A dict containing the response from the token endpoint :raises: HTTPError if the call doesn't return status 200 """ data = {'client_id': self.client_id, 'scope': self.scopes, 'grant_type': 'client_credentials'} LOG.debug(f'Attempting to acquire client_credentials token {data}') response =, data=data) if response.status_code == 200: LOG.debug('Acquired client_credentials token') return response.json() LOG.error(f'Unable to acquire client_credentials token : {response.json()}') response.raise_for_status() def _get_jwt_bearer_token(self) -> Dict: """ Method to get a token using jwt-bearer grant :return: A dict containing the response from the token endpoint :raises: HTTPError if the call doesn't return status 200 """ now = int(time()) data = {'client_id': self.client_id, 'grant_type': 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer', 'scope': self.scopes, 'assertion': jwt.encode({'iss': self.client_id, 'sub': self._jwt_bearer_email, 'aud': self.openid_configuration.token_endpoint, 'exp': now + 60 * 1, 'iat': now, 'jti': str(uuid.uuid4())}, key=self._signing_private_key, algorithm='PS256')} LOG.debug(f'Attempting to acquire jwt-bearer token for {self._jwt_bearer_email} : {data}') response =, data=data) if response.status_code == 200: LOG.debug(f'Acquired jwt-bearer token for {self._jwt_bearer_email}') return response.json() LOG.error(f'Unable to acquire jwt-bearer token : {response.json()}') response.raise_for_status() def __call__(self, r): """ Used when acting as an authenticator, including when the authenticated session is accessed. Responsible for allocating a unique interaction ID per call as well as supplying (or acquiring) the bearer token and including it in the request as needed. """ r.headers.update({'Authorization': f'Bearer {self._get_token()}', 'x-fapi-interaction-id': str(uuid.uuid4())}) return r
[docs]def build_error_response(error=None, code=400, scope=None, description=None, uri=None): """ RFC 6750 has a slightly odd way to complain about invalid tokens! This is used in the token authenticator class to build responses for invalid or missing tokens. :param error: One of 'invalid request', 'invalid token', or 'insufficient scope' :param code: HTTP status code :param description: Description of the error :param uri: URL of the page describing the error in detail :param scope: Scopes required to access the protected resource """ res = flask.Response() res.status_code = code res.headers.extend( {'WWW-Authenticate': f'Bearer ' + (f'error="{error}", ' if error else '') + (f'error_description="{description}", ' if description else '') + (f'error_uri="{uri}", ' if uri else '') + (f'scope="{scope}"' if scope else ''), 'Cache-Control': 'no-store', 'Pragma': 'no-cache'}) return res
[docs]def nginx_cert_parser(): """ A certificate parser to be used with the `AccessTokenValidator` when running behind nginx or another similar proxy which terminates SSL connections and can be configured to push the presented client certificate into a header. In this case we use the header ``X-OE-CLIENT-CERT``, this function removes any errant tab characters (introduced by nginx for some reason) and parses the contents of this header as a PEM format certificate. :return: A parsed x509 Certificate object, or None if no cert presented in the header """ log = logging.getLogger('') try: cert_str = flask.request.headers['X-OE-CLIENT-CERT'].replace('\t', '')'found cert in header \n{cert_str}') return x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(cert_str.encode('ASCII'), default_backend()) except KeyError:'no header X-OE-CLIENT-CERT in request') return None except ValueError as ve:'unable to parse certificate : {str(ve)}') return None except Exception as fallback:'unanticipated exception while parsing certificate from header : {str(fallback)}') return None
[docs]class AccessTokenValidator: """ Perform checks on a presented bearer token as defined in section 6.2.1 here Uses - OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection to check a supplied bearer token against an introspection endpoint for part """ LOG = logging.getLogger('')
[docs] def __init__(self, client_id: str, private_key: str, certificate: str, issuer_url: str = '', client_cert_parser=None): """ Create a new access token validator. In this context the data provider attempting to validate an access token is acting as a client to the directory's API, so client_id, private_key and certificate are those of the data provider and not the client requesting data from it. These are not the transport keys, they're the ones issued by the directory. :param client_id: OAuth client ID of the data provider, used to authenticate with the introspection endpoint :param private_key: Location of the private key of the data provider, used in the client auth for the introspection endpoint :param certificate: Location of the public key of the data provider, used in the client auth for the introspection endpoint :param issuer_url: URL of an authorization server, i.e. for the raidiam UAT sandbox this is - uses part 4 to discover the token introspection endpoint :param client_cert_parser: A zero argument function which returns an X509 object for the active client certificate, or none if no certificate is present. Defaults to a simple implementation that pulls the cert out of the flask environment as provided by the local dev mode runner in, but should be replaced when running in production mode behind e.g. nginx """ self.session = requests.Session() self.session.cert = certificate, private_key self.openid_configuration = build(cls=OpenIDConfiguration, d=self.session.get( OpenIDConfiguration.oidc_configuration_url(issuer_url)).json()) self.client_id = client_id def dev_cert_parser(): """ Default function to pull x509 certs out of the environment, they're inserted there by the runner in flask_ssl_dev, but this should only be used in a development environment. :return: """ if 'peercert' in flask.request.environ: return flask.request.environ['peercert'] else: return None if not client_cert_parser: AccessTokenValidator.LOG.warning( 'using dev ssl cert extractor, if not running in local dev mode this is an error') self._cert_parser = client_cert_parser or dev_cert_parser
[docs] @cached(cache=TTLCache(maxsize=1024, ttl=60)) def inspect_token(self, token: str) -> Dict: """ Send an access token to the introspection endpoint, returning the introspection response :param token: access token as received as authorization in a request to the data provider's API :return: object containing parsed JSON response from the introspection endpoint """ # Note - MTLS requires the addition of the client_id to the POST body as the certificate doesn't # contain this information. File under 'things that are not immediately obvious about OAuth2...' response =, data={'token': token, 'client_id': self.client_id}) # If this failed for some reason, raise the appropriate error. This can happen if we're not # properly authenticated against the token introspection endpoint itself, it won't happen if we # have an invalid or expired token. response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
[docs] def introspects(self, f=None, scope=None): """ Build a decorator that can be used on flask routes to automatically introspect on any provided bearer tokens, passing the resulting object into g.introspection_response. If the introspection indicates a failed validation, the underlying route will not be called at all and an appropriate error response will be sent. Introspection fails if: 1. Querying the token introspection endpoint fails 2. A token is returned with active: false 3. Scope is specified, and the required scope is not in the token scopes 4. Issued time is in the future 5. Expiry time is in the past 6. Certificate binding is enabled (default) and the fingerprint of the presented client cert isn't a match for the claim in the introspection response If introspection succeeds, the decorated function is called and the Date and x-fapi-interaction-id headers injected into the response before returning. """ if not f: # If function not specified, decorate self, effectively wrapping the decorator in a # second decorator which already includes the scopes argument return partial(self.introspects, scope=scope) @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): # Deny access to non-MTLS connections cert = self._cert_parser() if cert is None: AccessTokenValidator.LOG.warning('no client cert presented') return build_error_response(code=401) # Require authorization header with bearer token if 'Authorization' in flask.request.headers: token_header = flask.request.headers.get('Authorization') # Check that this is a bearer token header if token_header.lower()[:7] != 'bearer ':'Authorization header does not contain a bearer token') return build_error_response(code=401) # Extract the actual token token = token_header[7:] AccessTokenValidator.LOG.debug(f'found bearer token {token}') i_response = self.inspect_token(token=token) AccessTokenValidator.LOG.debug(f'introspection response {i_response}') # All valid introspection responses contain 'active', as the default behaviour # for an invalid token is to create a simple JSON {'active':false} response if 'active' not in i_response: AccessTokenValidator.LOG.warning(f'invalid introspection response, does not contain \'active\'') return build_error_response(error='invalid_request', code=400, scope=scope) # The response should specify that the token is active if i_response['active'] is not True: AccessTokenValidator.LOG.warning(f'token introspection failed, token is not active') return build_error_response(error='invalid_token', code=401, scope=scope) # Check token issued and expiry times. This is necessary because we cache the token introspection # response, so it's possible to have a token which is marked as valid but is no longer live due to # having become invalid within the caching period. now = time() if 'iat' in i_response: # Issue time must be in the past if now < i_response['iat']: AccessTokenValidator.LOG.warning(f'token issued in the future') return build_error_response(error='invalid_token', code=401, scope=scope) if 'exp' in i_response: # Expiry time must be in the future if now > i_response['exp']: AccessTokenValidator.LOG.warning(f'token expired') return build_error_response(error='invalid_token', code=401, scope=scope) # If the token response contains a certificate binding then check it against the # current client cert. See if 'cnf' in i_response: # thumbprint from introspection response sha256 = i_response['cnf']['x5t#S256'] # thumbprint from presented client certificate fingerprint = str(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256())).replace(b'=', b''), 'utf-8') if fingerprint != sha256: # Mismatch, complain vigorously AccessTokenValidator.LOG.warning( f'introspection response thumbprint {sha256} does not match ' f'presented client cert thumbprint {fingerprint}') return build_error_response(error='invalid_token', code=401, scope=scope) else: # No CNF claim in the introspection response AccessTokenValidator.LOG.warning('No cnf claim in token response, unable to proceed!') return build_error_response(error='invalid_token', code=401, scope=scope) # If we required a particular scope, check that it's in the list of scopes # defined for this token. Scope comparison is case insensitive if scope: token_scopes = i_response['scope'].lower().split(' ') if 'scope' in i_response else [] AccessTokenValidator.LOG.debug(f'found scopes in token {token_scopes}') if scope.lower() not in token_scopes: AccessTokenValidator.LOG.warning(f'scope \'{scope}\' not in token scopes {token_scopes}') return build_error_response(error='insufficient_scope', code=403, scope=scope) # Token checks passed, put the token response in g.token_introspection flask.g.introspection_response = i_response # Call the underlying function, ensure it's a response object response = flask.make_response(f(*args, **kwargs)) # FAPI requires that the resource server set the date header in the response response.headers['Date'] = email.utils.formatdate() # Get FAPI interaction ID if set, or create a new one otherwise if 'x-fapi-interaction-id' in flask.request.headers: fii = flask.request.headers['x-fapi-interaction-id'] response.headers['x-fapi-interaction-id'] = fii AccessTokenValidator.LOG.debug(f'using existing interaction ID = {fii}') else: fii = str(uuid.uuid4()) AccessTokenValidator.LOG.debug(f'issuing new interaction ID = {fii}') response.headers['x-fapi-interaction-id'] = fii return response else: # No authentication provided AccessTokenValidator.LOG.warning('no token presented') return build_error_response(code=401) return decorated_function
[docs]@dataclass class OpenIDConfiguration: """ Information returned from the .well-known/openid-configuration document by an OpenID provider such as the raidiam authz service. """ token_endpoint: str introspection_endpoint: str issuer: str scopes_supported: List[str] grant_types_supported: List[str]
[docs] @staticmethod def oidc_configuration_url(issuer_url: str): """ Implements the logic in 4.1 of to find the URL for the configuration document which can populate an instance of OpenIDConfiguration :param issuer_url: Base URL of the issuer :return: URL of the configuration document """ u = urllib.parse.urlparse(issuer_url) path = u.path if path and path.endswith('/'): u = u._replace(path=path + '.well-known/openid-configuration') else: u = u._replace(path=path + '/.well-known/openid-configuration') return urllib.parse.urlunparse(u)
D = TypeVar('D', bound=object)
[docs]def build(d: Dict, cls: Type[D], date_format_string='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') -> D: """ Build a dataclass from a dict, massaging CamelCase form into the more normal pythonic_representation, then filtering by properties available to the dataclass constructor before using the filtered set to create a new instance of the dataclass. Handles entries which are typed to other dataclasses recursively including List[OtherDataClass] types. :param d: Dict containing properties to pass to constructor :param cls: Class, typically a dataclass, to receive properties. Should be the class of the root object. :param data_format_string: Format string to use when parsing dates into datetime objects, defaults to the one we're seeing in the Raidiam directory, i.e. "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ" :return: Instance of cls configured from the supplied dict """ def is_data_class(cls: Type[D]): return '__dataclass_fields__' in vars(cls) def camelcase_to_python(s: str): """ Convert camelcase name to python convention for function and property names """ result = '' for c in s: if c.isupper() and result: result += '_' result += c return result.lower() def map_field(name, value): """ Handle recursion and collection types, including handling of generic List and similar typing """ field = cls.__dataclass_fields__[name] field_type = field.type # If this is a generic type like List[Organisation] or similar, pull out # the underlying real type if '__origin__' in vars(field_type) and field_type._name == 'List': field_type = field.type.__args__[0] if field_type == datetime: # Handle dates, with the format the directory uses value = datetime.strptime(value, date_format_string) # Handle nested (potential collections of) data classes if is_data_class(field_type): if isinstance(value, dict): return build(value, field_type) elif isinstance(value, list): return list([build(item, field_type) for item in value]) # Or just return raw, with date processing applied return value known_fields = list(cls.__dataclass_fields__.keys()) return cls(**{name: map_field(name, d[key]) for key in d if (name := camelcase_to_python(key)) in known_fields})
[docs]class RaidiamDirectory: """ Encapsulates access to the Raidiam Directory, currently just the read API. Parses responses and builds the appropriate dataclasses from the `` module. """
[docs] def __init__(self, fapi: FAPISession, base_url: str = ''): self.fapi = fapi self.base_url = base_url
[docs] def organisations(self) -> List[raidiam.Organisation]: """ Get all `Organisation` entities within the directory """ try: response = self.fapi.session.get(f'{self.base_url}organisations').json()['content'] return [build(org, raidiam.Organisation) for org in response] except RetryError: logging.error('RaidiamDirectory.organisations : max retries exceeded') return []
def authorisation_servers(self, org_id: str) -> List[raidiam.AuthorisationServer]: try: response = self.fapi.session.get(f'{self.base_url}organisations/{quote_plus(org_id)}/authorisationservers') if response.status_code != 200: try: response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return [] else: return [build(server, raidiam.AuthorisationServer) for server in response.json()] except RetryError: logging.error('RaidiamDirectory.authorization_servers : max retries exceeded') return [] def admin_users(self, org_id: str): try: response = self.fapi.session.get(f'{self.base_url}organisations/{quote_plus(org_id)}/adminusers') try: response.raise_for_status() return [build(user, raidiam.AdminUser) for user in response.json()] except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return [] except RetryError: logging.error('RaidiamDirectory.admin_users : max retries exceeded') return []